

  1. Novel nonlinear reconstruction method with grey-level quantisation units for electron tomography
    N. Baba, K. Kaneko, M. Baba,
    Scientific Report, 10 (2020), 20146.

  2. Si添加オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼における積層欠陥エネルギーに及ぼす窒素添加の影響

    鉄と鋼, 106 (2020), 816.

  3. Plan-view characterization of intergranular precipitates on grain boundaries by combination of FIB lift out method and TEM analyses: A case study in austenitic stainless steel
    K. Sato, K. Kaneko, T. Hara, Y. Kawahara, J. Hamada, C. Takushima, R. Teranishi,
    Micron, 138 (2020), 102927.

  4. Understanding of scanning-system distortions of atomic-scale scanning transmission electron microscopy images for accurate lattice parameter measurements
    S. Fujinaka, Y. Sato, R. Teranishi, K. Kaneko
    Journal of Materials Science, 55 (2020), 8123.

  5. Polymorphic In-Plane Heterostructures of Monolayer WS2 for Light-Triggered Field-Effect Transistors
    P. Kumar, K. Thakar, N. Verma, J. Biswas, T. Maeda, A. Roy, K. Kaneko, C. Kanti
    N. Lodha, V. Balakrishnan
    ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3 (2020), 3750.

  6. A NiRhS fuel cell catalyst - lessons from hydrogenase
    S. Ogo, T. Ando, L. Minh, Y. Mori, T. Matsumoto, T. Yatabe, K. Yoon, Y. Sato,
    T. Hibino, K. Kaneko
    Chemical Communications, 56 (2020), 11787.